Rabu, 31 Maret 2010

Back again with me Khusnul K.H breaking news on the show.In this opportunity we will discuss about the rise of marijuana among teenagers
Marijuana dealer is already hear between us
Host : Good morning Mr.Rizky
Mr. Rizky : Good morning
Host : Good Morning Mr. Candra a marijuana user
Mr. Candra : Good Morning
And have been present a also a former marijuana user
Host : Good Morning Ms. Suintan
Ms. Suintan : Good Morning
And is no tranger to the chairman of MUI Mr. H. Arie, the honorable.
Host : Good Morning
H. Arie : Good Morning
We just started my first discussion. We will ask Mr. Rizky the first Quetion.
Host : Surely you know the impact of the widesprend circulation of marijuana?
Mr. R : I know the impact he could damage the user’s memory, for which no
Suitable and appropriate to increase appetite.
Host : Then why would you prefer to be as a marijuana dealer?
Mr.R : because with a marijuana dealer i get a huge advantage and a lot of his own among who liked it a lot
We turn to mr.c
Host : why did you use marijuana? Do you have problem or what?
Mr.C : because by using marijuana , my mind could be more peaceful than before, which Had a problem to be forgotten for a momment so i have a problem , immediately Bought it no matter what way, though i don’t have the money.
Then how about you Ms. Suintan
Host : why had you consume marijuana?
Ms.suintan : because i had problems initially with my family and just trying without looking at
The effects caused
Host : since when you consume marijuana?
Ms. Suintan : i stopped since my 12th class, because i realized that marijuana can damage
The body’s only me and the forbidden buy religion
We’ll right back offer the commercial break
We go back to our discusstion, the opportunity this time i would ask Mr.R
Host : How do you distribute marijuana among teenagers?
Mr. R : I passed this stuff in 2 ways :
1. I sold it with a pound, its i pound can reach 600.000,00
2. I sold it with packaging, 1 packaging can be appreciated 70.000,00
Existing example of this a head of us in the form of pounds and that was in the form of packaging.
But the teenagers usually prefer in form can be used as packaging for cigarettes.
How about you mr.c
Host : wouldyou stop using marijuana?
Mr.C : in my mind there is no sense to stop consuming marijuana , but what else. Because if not i will consume marijuana stress.
Host : and what about your ms.suintan
How do you stop taking marijuana?
Ms.suintan : first my intention to quit and i got the motivation from family and friends, so i got a new passion for life. I follwed the rehabilitation program, and until now i have never consumed marijuana again.
Host : mr.MUI chairman , how do you think about this forum?
Mr.MUI : very good but not so in love young, but why can’t solve problems more calmly. Why would prefer solving problems with consuming marijuana
Host : And if there are sugestion for all that is here?
Mr.MUI : should you go back to the true path of islam and also strictly prohibits unlawful consumption of goods
Thanks to the guests who have taken the time to present it here, thanks to the loyal viewers breaking news, we meet again next week
Good morning